Happy Wednesday, fellow AI adventurers!

Welcome to another exciting edition of our weekly AI adventure.

We’ve sprinkled a dash of fun and a pinch of wit into our AI exploration, so prepare to be simultaneously educated and entertained. 

Why Being “Human-Like” Is More Important Than Ever

In a world where generative AI systems are taking center stage, you might wonder if it’s even worth writing anymore. 

With data centers that can perform billions of calculations per second, it’s easy to feel like your one brain is no match for these powerful machines.

Not to mention, these massive language models seem to know way more than you could ever learn.

The competition can be daunting for aspiring writers. And it’s not just about the input either. You also have to worry about what happens to your thoughts once they’re published on the internet.

Many fear that their content will simply be absorbed by generative AI systems like ChatGPT or MidJourney, which could then be used to create free or cheap content for others. The lack of attribution in the base GPT models raises concerns about the worthiness of investing time in creating content that might be used without permission or against your will.

So, is it a desolate situation? Is AI not only outperforming you but also taking your job? Well, not quite. Allow me to explain.

I firmly believe that writing is still incredibly worthwhile. Why? Because we’re not talking about just any kind of writing. We’re talking about different agents of writing. Yes, both you and AI can produce a string of words, but the process behind it couldn’t be more different. And that difference matters.

In the social media communities I’m part of, a new trend is emerging. As AI-generated content becomes increasingly indistinguishable from human-generated material, the identity of the author becomes incredibly significant. People trust individuals. They instinctively understand humans as the originators of thoughts and opinions, unlike machines.

Many people prefer imperfect, human-written pieces over flawlessly polished ones potentially crafted by AI. Generative AIs tend to produce generic, “good enough” text that rarely surprises or offers substantial depth. They fulfill expectations but lack the ability to truly captivate or astonish.

Think about it – an AI like ChatGPT would never randomly share life-altering culinary tips in the middle of a text. But I would. And even if you don’t follow me for my cooking advice, there’s likely something about me that you appreciate. 

On the other hand, there’s nothing about ChatGPT that you could genuinely like. It’s simply a language model, and that’s all it can ever be.

I advocate for us to continue writing as our authentic selves, even if our work may be appropriated by AI systems. So what if they repurpose our thoughts into bland yet “generically compelling” text? That’s their domain. We have ours. People come to us for our uniqueness.

Sure, there might be a period where this won’t be the most lucrative path for most writers, as the AI craze could potentially impact earnings. But in the end, those in charge will realize that people seek connections with other humans, not machines or “smart systems.” I’m reminded of just how unfulfilling these systems can be whenever I try to have a conversation with my smart home. After futile attempts to get it to list the ingredients of a recipe, I inevitably turn to an old-fashioned cookbook, lovingly written by a human, and find what I need there.

So, my dear writer, don’t lose heart. Your unique perspective, humanity, and ability to surprise and connect with others will always hold value. Keep writing, for you have something AI can never replicate.

Face AI Interviewers First Before Heading To Real Interviews

So, there’s this really cool AI called Career.io that’s designed to help you improve your soft skills for job applications. It’s basically like having your own personal coach to practice and master interview skills.

Here’s how it works: Career.io offers a wide range of interview simulations for you to choose from. 

You can pick the one that aligns with the specific job or industry you’re aiming for. Once you’ve selected your simulation, you’ll go through the virtual interview experience as if it were the real deal.

But that’s not all! The best part is that you’ll receive feedback from the AI itself based on how you performed in the simulation. The AI will analyze your answers, body language, and overall presentation to provide you with valuable insights and suggestions to help you improve.

AI News That You Missed This Week

I have some interesting news to share with you. So, Alias Technologies has recently launched a mind-boggling app called BeFake. And no, it’s not about being deceptive or fake in a negative way, but rather  an AI-driven social media app that takes simple text prompts and transforms them into augmented visuals. 

Moving on to our next tech tidbit, Google is once again stepping up its game with the Search Generative Experience (SGE). This nifty feature is all about enhancing your article-reading experience. Imagine you stumble upon an article and bam! AI-powered summaries and definitions magically appear to provide you with a deeper understanding. And it’s not stopping there – this feature will soon make its way to desktop Chrome too. 

Now, let’s shift our attention to WhatsApp. They’re always up to something exciting, aren’t they? Because they’re testing AI-generated stickers! How cool is that? With this new feature, Android beta users can whip up their own stickers simply by describing them in text. So, if you’re tired of searching for the perfect sticker pack, just let the AI do its thing and voila – personalized stickers created in a snap!

Last but not least, our tech giant Amazon is flexing its generative AI muscles to improve product reviews. 

Don’t forget to check us out on Wednesdays for all the latest AI news – because why limit yourself to just one kind of intelligence?

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