NFT Traders splurge millions on ‘Simpsons’ inspired knockoff collectibles

NFT collectors rushed to buy ‘Simpsons’-themed tokens, pouring nearly $2.5 million into a collection in under a day, following a spoof of NFTs in a recent episode of the iconic television show. The unofficial Springfield Punks collection, which blends CryptoPunks’ design with ‘The Simpsons’ elements, rocketed to the top spot on OpenSea in less than […]

Avante Art and Yuga Labs partner to offer physical CryptoPunks for limited time

Online art platform, Avante Art, in collaboration with Yuga Labs, has kicked off a limited-time offer for CryptoPunk holders to purchase physical prints of their digital assets. The sale, which began at 3:00 p.m. UTC, will last for 48 hours, ending on October 28 at the same time. Two distinct versions of the physical CryptoPunks […]