According to an Argentinian survey done by Perfil Argentine presidential candidate Javier Milei, known for his pro-Bitcoin stance, is dominating the polls ahead of the country’s upcoming national election. Milei maintains a commanding lead with a 31% to 34% advantage over his closest rivals, positioning him ahead by more than five points.

Many of Milei’s supporters cite his economic program as the key reason for their endorsement, viewing it as the sole solution to tackle Argentina’s severe crisis. As a libertarian and fervent advocate for eliminating the central bank, Milei has gained significant popularity among Argentinians by promoting Bitcoin adoption.

The country has witnessed a substantial rise in the cost of living, experiencing a staggering 124.4% increase over the past year and 80.2% thus far in 2023. Argentinians, deeply desiring effective and decisive policies, hope that the next president will be able to reverse the rapid erosion of their purchasing power. With just 30 days remaining until the election on October 22, Milei’s strong lead positions him as a formidable force in Argentine politics.

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Image Source: Perfil

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